With 41 years spent in the mortgage industry and half of that time working at Inglet Blair, Ellen Eckert is an integral part of the team. Ellen was the first full-time employee hired by the company. She prides herself on ensuring the company remains a well-oiled machine by providing the highest quality customer service to both clients and co-workers — all while focusing on delivering timely reviews and results. Ellen is always flexible and nimble while continuing to execute tasks, loan file reviews and training of new employees.
Ellen commented that an individual once asked her “How do you know that you have made it in your current employment?” Her response was, “You never do”. She believes that one’s job is a journey and that one should continue to learn and explore new opportunities and challenges along the way. That’s what keeps things interesting.
Q: What’s one productivity tool you couldn’t live without, and what makes it indispensable?
My Hewlett Packard 12C financial calculator. I have owned and used a HP calculator my entire working career in the mortgage industry (40+ years), in fact I have only owned two (plug for HP, it is a great product). The second one I currently use was gifted to me (used) in 2014. I rarely use a calculator online or on my phone. My HP is always with me at my desk.
Q: Tell us about your greatest mentor.
I have had many wonderful mentors in my lifetime, but my greatest mentors are my parents. Both my mother and my father had an incredible work ethic. I learned by their example how to work and not just show up. I learned how to work smart, honestly, and pridefully because “someone” would see or benefit from the effort that I gave. They taught me how to be financially independent and resourceful and to always be thankful at the end of the day for my accomplishments both personally and professionally.
Q: What smell, image, or sound triggers nostalgia for you?
The image of a windmill reminds me of my grandfather and the wonderful memories of the time we spent together when I was young. Growing up on a working ranch involved checking livestock frequently which also included their water source. My grandfather and I would saddle our horses and ride to check fences and the windmills to confirm they were pumping water properly. We kept a tin cup at each of the windmills and my grandfather and I would always get a drink of water, pumped by the windmill straight from the ground. The water tasted so pure, clean, and crisp. And it was always so cold as if it was poured over ice. It is very difficult to describe the taste and feel but for me, there was nothing better.
Q: Tell us a little-known fact about you.
I am a member of the oldest spirit organization in the State of Texas, the Purple Poo of Tarleton State University. How am I still a member? Once a Poo, Always a Poo! Thanks to this very special and unique organization, I have lifelong friendships that I continue to cherish deeply. Nothing can ever take the place of this special family — brothers from another mother and sisters from a different mister! Hey Oscar P!
Q: What’s your favorite thing about your job?
I take great pride in utilizing my experience and knowledge to help others — whether it be colleagues or clients. I have always had a passion for training and support. I find it very rewarding to be able to assist folks with tasks needed no matter how big or small. And, I especially enjoy learning the new lending guidelines from clients within our industry.